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将 pod SFCountdownView
添加到您的 Podfile 中。
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'SFCountdownView'
运行 pod install
文件以启动 Xcode 并开始使用控件!设置
// sets the delegate
self.sfCountdownView.delegate = self;
// background alpha value
self.sfCountdownView.backgroundAlpha = 0.2;
// the color of the counter
self.sfCountdownView.countdownColor = [UIColor blackColor];
// countdown start value
self.sfCountdownView.countdownFrom = 3;
// finish text to display
self.sfCountdownView.finishText = @"Do it";
// necessary to refresh alpha and countdown color
[self.sfCountdownView updateAppearance];
[self.sfCountdownView start];
[self.sfCountdownView stop];
- (void) countdownFinished:(SFCountdownView *)view
Distributed under the MIT License.