RxAlamofire 6.1.1

RxAlamofire 6.1.1

Lang语言 SwiftSwift
许可证 MIT

Krunoslav ZaherRxAlamofire 维护者RxSwift 社区 维护。

  • RxSwift 社区


RxAlamofire 是围绕优雅的 Swift HTTP 网络通信的 RxSwift 封装 Alamofire

Create release Version License Platform Carthage compatible


将 RxSwift 封装到 Alamofire 中,可以使网络请求的工作变得更加流畅、更愉快。Alamofire 是一个非常强大的框架,RxSwift 则能够以简单而有效的方式组合响应。


let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currencyStyle
formatter.currencyCode = "USD"
if let fromValue = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(self.fromTextField.text!) {

RxAlamofire.requestJSON(.get, sourceStringURL)
                .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (r, json) in
                    if let dict = json as? [String: AnyObject] {
                        let valDict = dict["rates"] as! Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
                        if let conversionRate = valDict["USD"] as? Float {
                            self?.toTextField.text = formatter
                                .string(from: NSNumber(value: conversionRate * fromValue))
                    }, onError: { [weak self] (error) in
                        self?.displayError(error as NSError)
                .disposed(by: disposeBag)

} else {
    self.toTextField.text = "Invalid Input!"



let stringURL = ""

// MARK: URLSession simple and fast
let session = URLSession.shared()

_ = session.rx
    .response(.get, stringURL)
    .subscribe { print($0) }

_ = session.rx
    .json(.get, stringURL)
    .subscribe { print($0) }

_ = session.rx
    .data(.get, stringURL)
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// MARK: With Alamofire engine

_ = json(.get, stringURL)
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// validation
_ = request(.get, stringURL)
    .validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
    .validate(contentType: ["application/json"])
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// progress
_ = request(.get, stringURL)
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// just fire upload and display progress
_ = upload(Data(), urlRequest: try! RxAlamofire.urlRequest(.get, stringURL))
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// progress and final result
// uploading files with progress showing is processing intensive operation anyway, so
// this doesn't add much overhead
_ = request(.get, stringURL)
    .flatMap { request -> Observable<(Data?, RxProgress)> in
        let dataPart = request.rx
            .map { d -> Data? in d }
            .startWith(nil as Data?)
        let progressPart = request.rx.progress()
        return Observable.combineLatest(dataPart, progressPart) { ($0, $1) }
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// MARK: Alamofire Session
// same methods with any Alamofire Session

let session = Session.default

// simple case
_ = session.rx.json(.get, stringURL)
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// URLHTTPResponse + JSON
_ = session.rx.responseJSON(.get, stringURL)
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// URLHTTPResponse + String
_ = session.rx.responseString(.get, stringURL)
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// URLHTTPResponse + Validation + JSON
_ = session.rx.request(.get, stringURL)
    .validate(statusCode: 200 ..< 300)
    .validate(contentType: ["text/json"])
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// URLHTTPResponse + Validation + URLHTTPResponse + JSON
_ = session.rx.request(.get, stringURL)
    .validate(statusCode: 200 ..< 300)
    .validate(contentType: ["text/json"])
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// URLHTTPResponse + Validation + URLHTTPResponse + String + Progress
_ = session.rx.request(.get, stringURL)
    .validate(statusCode: 200 ..< 300)
    .validate(contentType: ["text/something"])
    .flatMap { request -> Observable<(String?, RxProgress)> in
        let stringPart = request.rx
            .map { d -> String? in d }
            .startWith(nil as String?)
        let progressPart = request.rx.progress()
        return Observable.combineLatest(stringPart, progressPart) { ($0, $1) }
    .subscribe { print($0) }

// Interceptor + URLHTTPResponse + Validation + JSON
let adapter = // Some RequestAdapter
let retrier = // Some RequestRetrier
let interceptor = Interceptor(adapter: adapter, retrier: retrier)
_ = session.rx.request(.get, stringURL)
    .validate(contentType: ["text/json"])
    .subscribe { print($0) }


安装 RxAlamofire 有三种方法


仅需在项目的 Podfile 中添加即可

pod 'RxAlamofire'


Cartfile 中添加以下内容

github "RxSwiftCommunity/RxAlamofire" ~> 6.1

Swift 包管理器

创建一个 Package.swift 文件

// swift-tools-version:5.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
        name: "TestRxAlamofire",

        dependencies: [
            .package(url: "https://github.com/RxSwiftCommunity/RxAlamofire.git",
                     from: "6.1.0"),

        targets: [
                    name: "TestRxAlamofire",
                    dependencies: ["RxAlamofire"])


要手动安装此扩展,您应该将 RxAlamofire/Source/RxAlamofire.swift 导入到项目中,同时还需要导入 RxSwift 和 Alamofire。


RxAlamofire 需要 Swift 5.1 和指定版本的自定义 Alamofire (5.4.1) 和 RxSwift (6.0.0)。

对于对 RxSwift 5.1 的最后支持,请使用 RxAlamofire 5.7.1。

对于 Swift 5.0 的最后支持,请使用 RxAlamofire 5.1.0。

对于 Swift 4.2 的最后支持,请使用 RxAlamofire 4.5.0。