RBVolumeButtons 0.0.1× 测试已测试✗ Lang语言 Obj-CObjective C许可证 Apache 2 发布上次发布2014年12月由 未声明 维护。安装指南×RBVolumeButtons 安装指南You want to add pod 'RBVolumeButtons', '~> 0.0' similar to the following to your Podfiletarget 'MyApp' do pod 'RBVolumeButtons', '~> 0.0' end然后在终端内或从 CocoaPods.app 中运行 pod install 命令。或者为了进行测试运行,运行以下命令pod try RBVolumeButtons查看 PodspecGitHub 仓库CocoaPods.org 页面RBVolumeButtons 0.0.1由Randall Brownblladnar/RBVolumeButtonsGitHub 仓库 This lets you steal the volume up and volume down buttons on iOS. 安装 pod 'RBVolumeButtons' 作者 Randall Brown 许可证 Apache 2