Promise 1.2

Promise 1.2

Lang语言 SwiftSwift
许可证 BSD


  • 作者
  • Movinpixel


Promise设计用来立即运行一块代码。您可以通过多种方式使用.run()来启动Promise。例如: {
    // here goes some asynchronous code.


let myPromise = {
    //some method that returns 3
    return 3

// somewhere in the future

var myPromiseResult = 0
if myPromise.isCompleted {
    myPromiseResult = myPromise.result as! Int

您也可以为Promise提供一个错误处理器 {() throws -> Void in
    // some meaningful code that might throw an error
}, errorHandler: {(error) -> Void in
    // your own error handler


作为Promise灵活性的重要部分,这里有任务的魔法连接。它们可以相互依赖。您可以通过使用.then()来连接它们。 {
    // some important task that returns "lala lones"
    return "lala lones"
}.then {(previousPromiseResult: Any?) -> Void in
    // previousPromiseResult contains the value "lala lones" that came from the previous Promise.
    // you can extract it by many Swift ways, for example:
    let importantString = previousPromiseResult as! String
    // some important use for the importantString
}.then {
    // notice that the previous Promise doesn't return anything. As so, this block doesn't receive
    // any parameter. In fact, you can also use the previousPromiseResult overload, however the
    // value passed to this parameter is an object of type Void. You can't do anything meaningful
    // with Void.

您也可以在任何Promise链路点处理错误。所有的块都是可抛出的,因此您可以使用try或抛出自定义异常。 {
    // some meaningful code
}.then {
    try someMeaningfulMethod() //let's say this method threw an error
}.then {
    // some meaningful code. This code won't be executed because the
    // previous 'Promise' threw an error.
    // some meaningful code. This code won't be executed because the
    // previous 'Promise' threw an error.
}, errorHandler: { (error) throws -> Void in
    // the 'error' parameter contains the error thrown at the second Promise.
    // notice that this block is also throwable, which means that you if you don't want
    // to make this the end, you can rethrow the error, or forward another error if you will.
    // the error that this method throws will continue down the chain in the same way 
    // that .then() does.

    // let's say that the error was fully handled here
}).then {
    // as you can see, you can continue the chain even if there was an error handler before.
    // this method WILL be executed, because the previous Promise contained the 'errorHandler'
    // which fully handled the error.
    // some meaningful code
}, errorHandler: {(error) -> Void in
    // another last error handler.
    // if you don't provide an error handler and an error is thrown, the error is
    // simply discarded and the following Promises after the error are not executed.


let promise1 = {
    // some asynchronous and concurrent task.

let promise2 = {
    // some asynchronous and concurrent task.
    return 3 // a dummy value just for representation
}.then {(previousPromiseReturn: Any?) -> Void in
    // some asynchronous task, but serial with the previous chained 'Promise'
    // notice that variable 'promise2' refers to THIS Promise. Equality opertor
    // always to refers to the last promise in the chain.

let promise3 = {
    // another asynchronous and concurrent task.

Promise.when([promise1, promise2, promise3], errorHandler: {(error) -> Void in
    // some block of code that will handle the error.




pod "Promise"

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