NSUnit 0.0.1

NSUnit 0.0.1

Lang语言 Obj-CObjective C
许可证 MIT

未声明 维护。

NSUnit 0.0.1

  • 作者:
  • Jackson Harper

NSUnit 是 Objective-C 项目的单元测试框架。NSUnit 基于 SenTestingKit,提供了更加符合 Objective-C 的 API,特别是针对 Foundation 类的测试。


断言类是 NSUnit 的主要测试入口点。测试通常形式如下:

 [Assert that:<subject> <verb>:<condition>]


 [Assert that:name isNot:[AnEmpty string]];
 [Assert that:name isNot:[Equal to:@"Omar"]];
 [Assert that:name is:[Equal to:"McNulty"]];
 [Assert that:someArrayOfInts areAll:[Less than:@20]];


使用了 The article,可以将诸如 double 和 int 这样的原始数据类型自动转换为其相应的 NSObject 类型。


 [Assert that:[The int:i] is:[Equal to:@25]];
 [Assert that:[The double:d] is:[Less than:@10]];


NSUnit 的 Assert 类提供了一个确保测试失败的方法。`fails:(void (^)(void))` 方法确保提供的块抛出异常。例如:

[Assert fails:^{
    [WebService connectToUrl:nil];



is - The condition evaluates to true.
isNot - The condition evaluates to false.
areAll - Each value in the provided collection evaluates to true.
areAllNot - Each value in the provided collection evaluates to false.



Equal to: - The subject equals the provided value.

TheSame as: - The subject is the exact same object as the provided value.

Less than: - The subject is less than the provided value. Both values must be non-nil numbers.
Less thanOrEqual: - The subject is less than or equal to the provided value. Both values must be non-nil numbers.

Greater than: - The subject is greater than the provided value. Both values must be non-nil numbers.
Greater thanOrEqual: - The subject is greater than or equal to the provided value. Both values must be non-nil numbers.

Between low: and: - The subject is a number between the two provided values, inclusive. All values must be non-nil numbers.

AnEmpty array: - The subject is an empty array.
AnEmpty string: - The subject is an empty string.

更多示例可以在 NSUnit 的 单元测试 中找到。


NSUnit 使用 iOS Universal Framework 构建。