LFSAskForReview 0.0.3

LFSAskForReview 0.0.3

Lang语言 Obj-CObjective C
许可协议 MIT

未声明的 维护。

  • Lluís Gómez


LFSAskForReview 是一个类,您可以将其添加到 iOS 应用以让用户评分。其主要功能包括:不要求用户在每个版本中多次评分;完全可定制,您可以

  • 决定在显示警报之前需要执行哪些操作以及需要多少重复(数据源协议)
  • 设置警报的标题、消息和按钮标题(数据源协议)
  • 实现对用户正面和负面答案的响应(代理协议)


@property (strong, nonatomic) id<LFSAskForReviewServiceDataSource>dataSource;
@property (strong, nonatomic) id<LFSAskForReviewServiceDelegate>delegate;

+ (LFSAskForReviewService *)sharedService;

//Method to call when the user action that could trigger the ask for review alert happened.
- (void)askIfNecessaryAfterUserAction:(NSString *)action;


 For a given action, returns the number of repetitions that must happen before showing the alert asking for a review.
- (NSUInteger)necessaryRepetitionsForAction:(NSString *)action
    if ([action isEqualToString:@"OpenSection"]) {
        return 10;

    if ([action isEqualToString:@"SendMessage"]) {
        return 20;

    return 0;

 Returns the title to be displayed in the alert.
- (NSString *)title
    return @"Y U NO RATE";

 Returns the message to be displayed in the alert.
- (NSString *)message
    return @"We have a family to feed\n PLEASE RATE US";

 Returns the title for the positive answer button of the alert.
- (NSString *)positiveButtonTitle
    return @"YOU'RE AWESOME";

 Returns the title for the negative answer button of the alert.
- (NSString *)negativeButtonTitle
    return @"YOU'RE A DICK";


 Handles user's positive response to the ask for review alert.
- (void)userResponseWasNegative
    //Do whatever you want

 Handles user's negative response to the ask for review alert.
- (void)userResponseWasPositive
    //Do whatever you want