KLExpandingSelect 1.1

KLExpandingSelect 1.1

Lang语言 Obj-CObjective C
许可证 Apache 2

未声明 维护。

  • 作者:
  • Kieran Lafferty


注意:KLExpandingSelect 面向 iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch 的纵向模式使用。

查看演示 由于我的电脑运行速度慢,请原谅图形错误和卡顿。


将包含的 KLExpandingSelect.h, KLExpandingSelect.m 文件拖放到您的项目中。然后,在 链接二进制与库 下包含以下框架

  • QuartzCore.framework


导入所需文件,并声明您的控制器,符合 KLExpandingSelect 数据源和代理规范。

#import "KLExpandingSelect.h"

@interface KLRootViewController : UIViewController <KLExpandingSelectDataSource, KLExpandingSelectDelegate>


// Configure the Expander Select and add to view controllers view.
self.expandingSelect = [[KLExpandingSelect alloc] initWithDelegate: self
                                                        dataSource: self];
[self.view setExpandingSelect:self.expandingSelect];
[self.view addSubview: self.expandingSelect];


- (NSInteger)expandingSelector:(id) expandingSelect numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{
    return [self.selectorData count];
- (KLExpandingPetal *)expandingSelector:(id) expandingSelect itemForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    NSDictionary* dictForPetal = [self.selectorData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    NSString* imageName = [dictForPetal objectForKey:@"image"];
    KLExpandingPetal* petal = [[KLExpandingPetal alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:imageName]];
    return petal;


// Called before the user changes the selection. Return a new indexPath, or nil, to change the proposed selection.
- (NSIndexPath *)expandingSelector:(id)expandingSelect willSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

// Called after the user changes the selection.
- (void)expandingSelector:(id)expandingSelect didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

//Called after the animations have completed
- (void)expandingSelector:(id)expandingSelect didFinishExpandingAtPoint:(CGPoint) point;
- (void)expandingSelector:(id)expandingSelect didFinishCollapsingAtPoint:(CGPoint) point;

- (void)expandingSelector:(id)expandingSelect didFinishExpandingPetal: (KLExpandingPetal*) petal;
- (void)expandingSelector:(id)expandingSelect didFinishCollapsingPetal: (KLExpandingPetal*) petal;


可以通过修改 KLExpandingSelect.m 中的常数来调整可视化外观

//Petal settings
#define kPetalHeight 80
#define kPetalWidth 60
#define kPetalShadowColor [UIColor darkGrayColor]
#define kPetalShadowOffset CGSizeMake(0, 3)
#define kPetalShadowOpacity 0.6
#define kPetalShadowRadius 4
#define kPetalAlpha 0.96

//Animation Settings
#define KAnimationFanOutDegrees 360.0   //Amount  for the control to fan out 360 = fully fanned out, 180 = half fanned out
#define kAnimationGrowDuration 0.3
#define kAnimationRotateDuration 0.3
#define kAnimationPetalSpread 1.003     //A tuning parameter for determining how crowded petals are with respect to eachother
#define kAnimationPetalDelay 0.1        //The amount of time between animating each petal

#define kAnimationPetalMinScale 0.001   //Scale of the item at its smallest (i.e 0.01 is 1/100th its original size
#define kAnimationPetalMaxScale 1000      //Scale of the item at its largest (relative to on kAnimationPetalMinScale)

//Customize the layout of the control
#define kDefaultRotation 0.0          //Degrees to rotate the control
#define kDefaultHeight 2*kPetalHeight*kAnimationPetalSpread     //The height of the control upon full expansion
#define kDefaultWidth kDefaultHeight    //The width of the control upon full expansion
#define kDefaultTopMargin kPetalHeight*kAnimationPetalSpread  //Amount of space to reserve the top to ensure that the control doesnt get drawn off screen
#define kDefaultRightMargin kPetalHeight*kAnimationPetalSpread //Amount of space to reserve the right to ensure that the control doesnt get drawn off screen
#define kDefaultBottomMargin kPetalHeight*kAnimationPetalSpread  //Amount of space to reserve the bottom to ensure that the control doesnt get drawn off screen
#define kDefaultLeftMargin kPetalHeight*kAnimationPetalSpread  //Amount of space to reserve the left to ensure that the control doesnt get drawn off screen
#define kDefaultRasterizationScale 5.0

#define kLongPressDuration 1.0          //The length of time before a touch is registered and the control appears on the parent view



版权(c)2012 Kieran Lafferty


