测试已测试 | ✗ |
语言语言 | Obj-CObjective C |
许可证 | MIT |
发布最后发布 | Aug 2015 |
由Gabriel Handford维护。
依赖 | |
TSTripleSec | >= 0 |
AFNetworking | >= 0 |
WRANGLE | >= 0 |
客观的糖果 | >= 0 |
GHKit | >= 0 |
NAChloride | >= 0 |
NACrypto | >= 0 | 的 iOS/OSX API 客户端。
platform :ios, "7.0"
pod "KBKeybase"
#import <KBKeybase/KBKeybase.h>
KBAPIClient *client = [[KBAPIClient alloc] initWithAPIHost:KBAPIKeybaseIOHost];
NSArray *userNames = @[@"gabrielh", @"chris", @"max"];
[_client usersPaginatedForKey:@"usernames" values:userNames fields:nil limit:10 success:^(NSArray *users, BOOL completed) {
// The **users** var is an array of KBUser.
// If paginating completed will be NO, and another callback will occur.
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// There was an error