GHUITable 0.1.13

GHUITable 0.1.13

Lang语言 Obj-CObjective C
许可证 MIT

Gabriel Handford维护。

GHUITable 0.1.13

  • Gabriel Handford




pod "GHUITable"

pod "GHUITable/Yap" # Optional, for YapDatabase support





GHUITableView *tableView = [[GHUITableView alloc] init];

// These are all the cells that will be used, usually it's just one.
[tableView registerClasses:@[GHUITextImageCell.class]];

// This block returns the cell class.
// It can be based on the data or section, or (in this case) can be constant.
tableView.dataSource.classBlock = ^Class(id object, NSIndexPath *indexPath) {
  return GHUITextImageCell.class;

// Set the data on the cell.
tableView.dataSource.cellSetBlock = ^(GHUITextImageCell *cell, GHData *data, NSIndexPath *indexPath, UITableView *tableView, BOOL dequeued) {
  [cell.viewForContent description:data.description image:[UIImage imageNamed:data.imageName]];

// Set what happens when a user selects a cell.
tableView.dataSource.selectBlock = ^(UITableView *tableView, NSIndexPath *indexPath, GHData *data) {
  [tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
  NSLog(@"Selected: %@", indexPath);
  // Do something

// Set section headers
[tableView.dataSource setHeaderText:@"Section 1" section:0];
[tableView.dataSource setHeaderText:@"Section 2" section:1];



[tableView setObjects:@[...] animated:NO];
[tableView addObjects:@[...] animated:NO];
// And many more...


[tableView.dataSource addObjects:@[..] section:0 indexPaths:nil];
[tableView.dataSource removeObjects:@[..] section:0 indexPaths:nil];
// And many more...

// If you edit the datasource directly be sure to call reloadData
[tableView reloadData];



例如,GHUITextImageCell 定义为

@interface GHUITextImageCell : GHUITableViewCell

@implementation GHUITextImageCell
+ (Class)contentViewClass { return GHUITextImageView.class; }

GHUITextImageView 也是一个使用 YOLayout 的视图示例,你也应该查看!



GHUITableView *tableView = [[GHUITableView alloc] init];

// These are the cells that will be used.
[tableView registerClasses:@[GHUISwitchCell.class, GHUITextImageCell.class]];

// This block chooses the cell class based on the section, but you could also do it based on the data.
tableView.dataSource.classBlock = ^Class(NSDictionary *object, NSIndexPath *indexPath) {
  if (indexPath.section == 2) return GHUISwitchCell.class;
  return GHUITextImageCell.class;

// Set the data on the cell. (Cell depends on section.)
tableView.dataSource.cellSetBlock = ^(GHUITableViewCell *cell, NSDictionary *dict, NSIndexPath *indexPath, UITableView *tableView, BOOL dequeued) {
  if (indexPath.section == 0) {
    [cell.viewForContent setName:dict[@"name"] description:dict[@"description"] image:[UIImage imageNamed:dict[@"imageName"]]];
  } else if (indexPath.section == 1) {
    [cell.viewForContent setName:dict[@"name"] description:dict[@"description"] imageURLString:dict[@"imageURLString"]];
  } else if (indexPath.section == 2) { // or [cell isKindOfClass:GHUISwitchCell.class]
    [cell.viewForContent setTitle:dict[@"title"] description:dict[@"description"] on:[dict[@"on"] boolValue]];



GHUITableView *tableView = [[GHUITableView alloc] init];

// You can add a view as a data object source.
// In this scenario you are not re-using views and is appropriate for when you have static content.
GHUITextImageView *view = [[GHUITextImageView alloc] init];
[view setName:@"Name2" description:@"This is a description #2" image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Preview2-Filled"]];
[tableView addObjects:@[view] section:0 animated:NO];

// You can even add a cell as a data object source (although this is probably a little awkward, can be useful sometimes).
GHUITextImageCell *cell = [[GHUITextImageCell alloc] init];
[cell.viewForContent setName:@"Name1" description:@"This is a description #1" image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Preview2"]];
[tableView addObjects:@[cell] section:1 animated:NO];


GHUICollectionView *view = [[GHUICollectionView alloc] init];
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor];

// These are all the cells that will be used, usually it's just one.
[view registerClasses:@[GHUITextImageCollectionCell.class]];

// This block returns the cell class.
// It can be based on the data or section, or (in this case) can be constant.
view.dataSource.classBlock = ^Class(id object, NSIndexPath *indexPath) {
  return GHUITextImageCollectionCell.class;

// Set the data on the cell.
view.dataSource.cellSetBlock = ^(GHUITextImageCollectionCell *cell, NSDictionary *dict, NSIndexPath *indexPath, UITableView *tableView, BOOL dequeued) {
  [cell.viewForContent setName:dict[@"name"] description:dict[@"description"] image:[UIImage imageNamed:dict[@"imageName"]]];

// Set what happens when a user selects a cell.
view.dataSource.selectBlock = ^(UICollectionView *collectionView, NSIndexPath *indexPath, NSString *object) {
[collectionView deselectItemAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
  NSLog(@"Selected: %@", indexPath);
  // Do something

// Set header view
[_view registerHeaderClass:GHUICollectionHeaderLabelView.class];
  _view.dataSource.headerViewBlock = ^(UICollectionView *collectionView, GHUICollectionHeaderLabelView *view, NSInteger section) {
  view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.8];
  view.label.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:255.0f/255.0f green:125.0f/255.0f blue:0.0f/255.0f alpha:1.0];
  view.label.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:18];
  view.label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Section %@", @(section)];

// The data
[_view setObjects:
    @{@"name": @"Gastropub swag pork belly, butcher selvage mustache chambray scenester pour-over.",
    @"description": @"Cosby sweater stumptown Carles letterpress, roof party deep v gastropub next level. Tattooed bitters distillery, scenester PBR&B pork belly swag twee DIY. Mixtape plaid Carles photo booth sustainable you probably haven't heard of them. Vice normcore fap Thundercats Williamsburg Truffaut paleo small batch, plaid PBR&B Brooklyn jean shorts. Next level lomo direct trade farm-to-table, cred hoodie post-ironic fingerstache pop-up put a bird on it. Keytar PBR literally, DIY Bushwick Pinterest bicycle rights.",
    @"imageName": @"Preview2"},
    @{@"name": @"YOLO irony beard",
    @"description": @"Raw denim Tumblr roof party beard gentrify pickled, art party ethical",
    @"imageName": @"Preview2"}
  ] section:0];

