Flipper-Glog×由 Pritesh Nandgaonkar,Lorenzo Blasa 维护。安装指南×Flipper-Glog 安装指南您想在 Podfile 中添加以下类似命令:target 'MyApp' do pod 'Flipper-Glog', '~> 0.5' end然后在您的终端中运行 pod install,或从 CocoaPods.app 运行。另外,为了进行测试运行,运行以下命令:pod try Flipper-Glog查看 PodspecGitHub 仓库CocoaPods.org 上的页面Flipper-Glog由Lorenzo Blasalblasa/glogGitHub 仓库This repository contains a C++ implementation of the Google logging module. Documentation for the implementation is in doc/. See INSTALL for (generic) installation instructions for C++: basically ./configure && make && make install