FLKAutoLayout 1.0.1

FLKAutoLayout 1.0.1

Lang语言 Obj-CObjective C
许可证 MIT

Florian KuglerOrta Therox维护。

  • Florian Kugler

FLKAutoLayout 是一个包含在 UIView 上的类集合,使得在代码中设置布局约束变得简单。

FLKAutoLayout 使用可读的语法创建简单的约束,并提供许多便捷方法来同时设置多个视图之间更复杂的约束。它自动将约束添加到视图的最近共同父视图,并将这些视图的 translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints 属性设置为 NO

FLKAutoLayout 为 UIView 的实例提供了创建简单的布局约束(如宽度和高度,或将一个视图的边缘约束到另一个视图)的方法。此外,它还提供了与 UIView 类相关的方法,用于处理涉及两个以上视图的更复杂的布局约束。




// align the first label with its superview
[labels[0] alignTop:@"20" leading:@"20" toView:labels[0].superview];
// give it a minimum width of 200 and a maximum width of 300
[labels[0] constrainWidth:@">=200,<=300"];
// now constrain all labels to this size
[UIView alignLeadingAndTrailingEdgesOfViews:labels];
// space the labels out vertically with 10 points in between
[UIView spaceOutViewsVertically:labels predicate:@"10"];

// now let's take care of the text fields.
// the first one has a fixed space of 20 to its label
[textFields[0] constrainLeadingSpaceToView:labels[0] predicate:@"20"];
// constrain the right edge to its superview with 20 points padding
[textFields[0] alignTrailingEdgeWithView:textFields[0].superview predicate:@"20"];
// constrain all other text fields to the same width
[UIView alignLeadingAndTrailingEdgesOfViews:textFields];
// and finally let's align the baseline of each label with the baseline of each text field
[UIView alignAttribute:NSLayoutAttributeBaseline ofViews:labels toViews:textFields predicate:@"0"];

FLKAutoLayout 实例方法

FLKAutoLayout 扩展了 UIView 实例,提供了一种可读的格式来设置简单的约束。


 // constrain the leading edge of the view to the leading edge of another
[view alignLeadingEdgeWithView:otherView predicate:@"0"];

 // same as before but use a 20 point offset
[view alignLeadingEdgeWithView:otherView predicate:@"20"];

 // same as before but give this constraint a priority of 750
[view alignLeadingEdgeWithView:otherView predicate:@"20@750"];

// aligning some other edge types
[view alignTopEdgeWithView:otherView predicate:@"0"];
[view alignBottomEdgeWithView:otherView predicate:@"0"];
[view alignTrailingEdgeWithView:otherView predicate:@"0"];
[view alignBaselineWithView:otherView predicate:@"0"];
[view alignCenterXWithView:otherView predicate:@"0"];
[view alignCenterYWithView:otherView predicate:@"0"];

// centering two views
[view alignCenterWithView:otherView];


// constrain leading edge of the view to the trailing edge of the other
 [view constrainLeadingSpaceToView:otherView predicate:@"0"];

 // constrain trailing edge of the view to the leading edge of the other
 [view constrainTrailingSpaceToView:otherView predicate:@"0"];

 // constrain top edge of the view to the bottom edge of the other
 [view constrainTopSpaceToView:otherView predicate:@"0"];

 // constrain bottom edge of the view to the top edge of the other
 [view constrainBottomSpaceToView:otherView predicate:@"0"];


[view constrainWidth:@"400"];
[view constrainHeight:@"300"];
// or combined:
[view constrainWidth:@"400" height:@"300"];
// or relative to another view
[view constrainWidthToView:otherView predicate:@"*.3"]; // 30% of otherView's width
[view constrainHeightToView:otherView predicate:@">=*.5"]; // at least 50% of otherView's height


// creating a >=20 points space between the top edge of one view to the bottom edge of the other
[view constrainTopSpaceToView:otherView predicate:@">=20"];
// creating a >=20 points space between the leading edge of one view to the trailing edge of the other
[view constrainLeadingSpaceToView:otherView predicate:@">=20"];


[view alignAttribute:NSLayoutAttributeCenterX to Attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTrailing ofView:otherView predicate:@"20"];

此方法在 Swift 中的表述简洁易懂(查看链接)

view.alignAttribute(.CenterX, toAttribute: .Trailing, ofView: otherView, predicate: "0")

FLKAutoLayout 类方法

FLKAutoLayout 为一次性配置两个以上视图提供了对 UIView 的类方法的扩展。


// align all views in the views array along their leading edge
[UIView alignLeadingEdgesOfViews:views];
// align all views in the views array along their bottom edge
[UIView alignBottomEdgesOfViews:views];
// see UIView+FLKAutoLayout.h for more...


// constrain all views to the same height
[UIView equalHeightForViews:views];
// constrain all views to the same width
[UIView equalWidthForViews:views];


// space out views horizontally with 20 points in between
[UIView spaceOutViewsHorizontally:views predicate:@"20"];
// space out views vertically with no space in between
[UIView spaceOutViewsVertically:views predicate:@"0"];

// Distribute views according to their horizontal center
[UIView distributeCenterXOfViews:views inView:containerView];
// Distribute views according to their vertical center
[UIView distributeCenterYOfViews:views inView:containerView];



许多方法都接受一个类似于 Apple 在其视觉格式语言中使用的字符串语法的谓词字符串,并且还允许指定一个乘数。

[[ == | >= | <= ]] [ *乘数] [常数] [ @优先级],...


// greater than or equal to 300points, small then 500 points
[view constrainWidth:@">=300,<=500"];
// equal to 300 points
[view constrainWidth:@"300"];
// greater than or equal to 300 points with priority of 250
[view constrainWidth:@">=300@250"];

// greater than or equal to 1/2 of the otherView width
[view constrainWidthToView:otherView predicate:@">=*.5"];
// greater than or equal to 1/2 of the otherView width, smaller than or equal to 600 points with a priority of 100
[view constrainWidthToView:otherView predicate:@">=*.5,<=600@100"];

UILayoutGuide / FLKAutoLayoutGuide

如果您的操作系统支持 iOS9 以下版本,可以使用 flk_topLayoutGuideflk_bottomLayoutGuide 与 UIViewControllers 的布局指南一起使用。

- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews
    [self.webView constrainTopSpaceToView:self.flk_topLayoutGuide predicate:@"0"];
    [self.webView alignLeading:@"0" trailing:@"0" toView:self.view];
    [self.webView alignBottomEdgeWithView:self.view predicate:@"0"];

对于 iOS9 及以上版本,您可以使用 UIKit 方法。


Florian Kugler (@floriankugler).


FLKAutoLayout 基于 MIT 许可证可用。有关更多信息,请参阅 LICENSE 文件。