CZGPolygonLayer 0.2.2

CZGPolygonLayer 0.2.2

语言语言 Obj-CObjective C
许可证 MIT

Unclaimed 维护。

  • Christopher Z. Garrett

CZGPolygonLayer 是一个用于绘制任意三角形集合的 cocos2d CCNode 子类。实际上,它是对 OpenGL 三角形绘制的抽象,但您可以使用它作为 CCNode。


CZGPolygonLayer 被封装成一个 cocoapod。最简单的方法是将它作为 pod 添加到项目中。CZGPolygonLayer 依赖于已经作为 pod 安装的 cocos2d。如果您还没有这样做,我建议将 cocos2d 作为 pod 添加到现有项目中,然后删除设置项目时添加的 cocos2d 文件。

  1. 为您的项目设置 cocoapods
  2. 添加 CZGPolygonLayer 作为 pod



为了快速回顾,以下是 GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP 绘制顶点的顺序:

    // Points in the polygon are drawn as GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP.
    // If you've got a number of points in a polygon, they're drawn in the
    // following order:
    //       v1----v3----v5
    //        |\   |\    |\
    //        | \  | \   | \
    //        |  \ |  \  |  \
    //       v0---v2---v4----v6

    // See the HelloWorldLayer class in CZGPolygonLayerExample project for some sample usage.

    // We're going to draw an n-sided radially symmetrical polygon.
    self.polygon = [CZGPolygonLayer nodeWithPoints: 100];
    _polygon.position = center;
    // polygon point positions are updated in update: method
    // We move the points in and out from the center to create an amoeba-like effect
    [self update: 0];
    [self addChild: _polygon];


    - (void) update: (ccTime) dt {
        _time += dt;
        int sides = _polygon.numberOfPoints;
        float relativeMovement = 0.1;
        for (int i=0; i< sides; i++) {
            int vertexIndex = i%2 ?  (i+1)/2 : (sides-(i/2))%sides;
            // we're going to move each individual vertex in and out, hovering around a radius of 200.0
            float radius = (relativeMovement*sinf(_time - (M_PI*2.0*i/sides)) + 1.0 - relativeMovement) * 200.0;
            [_polygon setPoint: ccp(radius*cosf(M_PI*2.0*vertexIndex/sides),
                       atIndex: i];
            [_polygon setFillColor: ccc4f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i];


    // For a quick refresher, here's the order that GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP draws vertices:

    // Points in the polygon are drawn as GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP.
    // If you've got a number of points in a polygon, they're drawn in the
    // following order:
    //       v2----v3----v4
    //        |\   |    /|
    //        | \  |  /  |
    //        |  \ |/    |
    //       v1---v0-----v5
     // Draw an n-pointed star using GL_TRIANGLE_FAN
     int points = 5;
     float radius = 100; = [CZGPolygonLayer nodeWithPoints: points*2+2];
     float angleIncrement = M_PI/points;
     for (int i=0; i< points*2+1; i+=2) {
         float innerAngle = i*angleIncrement;
         float outerAngle = (1 + i)*angleIncrement;
         // inner point
         [ setPoint: ccp(0.5*radius*cosf(innerAngle), 0.5*radius*sinf(innerAngle)) atIndex: i+1];
         [ setFillColor: ccc4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i+1];
         // outer point
         if (i+2 < points*2+2) {
             [ setPoint: ccp(radius*cosf(outerAngle), radius*sinf(outerAngle)) atIndex: i+2];
             [ setFillColor: ccc4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i+2];
     [ setFillColor: ccc4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: 0]; = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN; = ccp(center.x - radius*2,
                              center.y - radius*2);
     [self addChild:];


     // Draw an n-pointed star using GL_TRIANGLES
    self.coloredStar = [CZGPolygonLayer nodeWithPoints: points*6];
     for (int i=0; i< points; i++) {
         float currentAngle = 2*i*angleIncrement;
         float middleAngle = (1 + 2*i)*angleIncrement;
         float nextAngle = (2 + 2*i)*angleIncrement;
         CGPoint center = ccp(0,0);
         CGPoint current = ccp(radius*cosf(currentAngle), radius*sinf(currentAngle));
         CGPoint middle = ccp(0.5*radius*cosf(middleAngle), 0.5*radius*sinf(middleAngle));
         CGPoint next = ccp(radius*cosf(nextAngle), radius*sinf(nextAngle));

         // First triangle
         [self.coloredStar setPoint: center atIndex: i*6];
         [self.coloredStar setFillColor: ccc4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i*6];
         [self.coloredStar setPoint: middle atIndex: i*6+1];
         [self.coloredStar setFillColor: ccc4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i*6+1];
         [self.coloredStar setPoint: current atIndex: i*6+2];
         [self.coloredStar setFillColor: ccc4f(0.8, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i*6+2];

         // Second triangle
         [self.coloredStar setPoint: center atIndex: i*6+3];
         [self.coloredStar setFillColor: ccc4f(0.8, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i*6+3];
         [self.coloredStar setPoint: next atIndex: i*6+4];
         [self.coloredStar setFillColor: ccc4f(0.7, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i*6+4];
         [self.coloredStar setPoint: middle atIndex: i*6+5];
         [self.coloredStar setFillColor: ccc4f(0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0) atIndex: i*6+5];

     self.coloredStar.drawMode = GL_TRIANGLES;
     self.coloredStar.position = ccp(center.x + radius*2,
                              center.y + radius*2);
     [self addChild: self.coloredStar];